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IDA Comprehensive Clinical Residency Program (CCRP)- Paid Course

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About Course

IDA’s Comprehensive Clinical Residency Program (CCRP), a 5-week immersive experience blending clinical, pre-clinical, and didactic training. Tailored for recent graduates and seasoned professionals alike, our program equips you with the skills and expertise needed to excel in private practice or launch your own dental clinic.”


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What Will You Learn?

  • To learn how to put scientifically proven cutting-edge techniques in general dentistry into practice in order to deliver great results.
  • Attain confidence to take on simple and complex cases and develop holistic treatment plans for their patients.
  • Ease the transition into private practice.

Course Content

Clinical Endodontics & Restorative Dentistry
Endodontics Introduction to Contemporary Endodontics Fundamentals of Endodontics Diagnosis and Treatment Planning: Pre-operative Assessment Access Opening: Demo (Under Microscope) Locating the Orifice, Extra Canals, Patency, Orifice Enhancement using Rotary and Hand instruments (Hands on) Working Length Determination Use of RVG in Clinical Practice Learn more about Electronic Apex Locators Cleaning and Shaping (BMP) with Rotary Systems Rotary Systems available in the Market Glide Path - Rotary and Manual Irrigation and Activation Protocols with the help of Ultrasonics for Complete Canal Disinfection Use of Intracanal Medicaments Obturation Master Cone Selection Different Obturation techniques to achieve the Perfect Seal Restorative Dentistry Isolation Techniques Rubber Dam Placement Advantages of Working with Rubber Dam Rubber Dam Setup Inversion of Rubber Dam Protocol for Rubber Dam Placement Gingival Retraction Retraction Cord Packing Matricing Techniques - Demo Know your Composites Bonding Anterior & Posterior Composite Techniques Vital Pulp Therapy Indirect Pulp Capping Direct Pulp Capping Class 5 Management

  • Clinical Endodontics

Aesthetic Dentistry
Indirect Veneer Technique (Demonstration) Clinical Prosthodontics Tooth preparation Fundamentals of Vital and Non-vital Tooth Preparations Variations in Preparations for Different Types of Crowns Occlusion & Bite Registration Impression Material Manipulation & Techniques Immediate Temporisation Shade Selection Metal and Bisque Trial Crown Cementation Crown Removal Techniques Post and Core Trouble Shooting in Fixed Prosthodontics Complete Denture (Video Demonstration & Discussion) Digital Dentistry Overview of Digital Impressions Intra-Oral Scanners CAD-CAM: Entire Workflow Chair-Side Demo on CAD-CAM Workflow Dental Lab Communication Selection of Shade Selection of Material

Oral Surgery
Local Anaesthesia Intraoral and Extraoral Maxillofacial Nerve Blocks Pain Control and Patient Management Exodontia Atraumatic Extraction technique of Simple and Complex teeth Use of Luxators to facilitate Atraumatic Extraction Socket Preservation Minor Oral Surgeries (as per patient availability) Alveoloplasty Radicular Cyst Management, Apicectomy Space Infection Management Intramucosal Injections for OSMF Management Suturing Techniques: Wound Closure Post-exodontia & Minor Surgical Procedures Medical Emergencies Management of Medically Compromised Patients Emergencies that may present in clinic & Immediate Management Clinical Aspects of Basic Dental Pharmacology Antibiotics Analgesics Miscellaneous Adjuvant Drugs Surgical Disimpaction Radiographic Interpretation of Impacted 3rd Molars Case Discussion and LIVE Demonstration Post-operative Management Overview of Recent Advances Exodontia Wound Closure Techniques

Clinical Periodontics
Introduction to Periodontics Diagnosis and Clinical Case solving Tips in Predicting and Planning the Treatment Medical Prescriptions in Periodontics Systemic and Local Antibiotics in Periodontics Local drug delivery Periodontal Procedures Non-surgical vs Surgical Periodontal Therapy Various periodontal procedures like gingival curettage and root planing Management of Periodontal Emergencies Crown Lengthening Procedure (Demo) Soft tissue LASER (Demo) Periodontal Maintenance When to call a periodontist?

Oral Implantology
Introduction to Dental Implants Fundamentals for Oral Radiology (Focus on the OPG & CBCT). Basic anatomical structure and their effects on implant planning Understanding of the early implants Diagnosis and treatment - An operative Assessment & examination Understanding the various components of the dental implants and their functions. Study of the Primary stability and Osseo-integration. Understanding the concept of surface treatment and osseo-densification. Understanding the types of Implant surgeries Single Stage & Two Stage surgery Overview of the suture materials, types of the flap and various suture methods required of implants. Understanding of the Taper Kit & its components (hands-on model) Use of the Physiodispenser/ Surgical Engine (hands-on model) Introduction to the Implant impression techniques

Infection Control and Sterilization
Cleaning and Sterilisation of Dental Instruments Hand Hygiene and Disinfection Biomedical Waste Disposal

Pediatric and Preventive Dentistry
Introduction to Pediatric Dentistry Behavior Management: Non-Pharmacological Pharmacological - Nitrous Oxide Sedation (Discussion and LIVE Demonstration) Pediatric Endodontics (Discussion and LIVE Demonstration) Stainless Steel Crowns (Discussion and Demonstration)

Basic Diagnosis of Orthodontics Importance Of Diagnosis At The Right Age Role of General Dentist in Preventive and Interceptive Orthodontics Importance of Muscle Exercises In Orthodontics Importance of Body Posture In Orthodontics

Oral Medicine & Oral Radiology
Oral Medicine Case History Proforma for Dental Practice Importance of Consent Taking Relevance of Medical history - Common medical conditions affecting Oral cavity and its importance in treatment planning Special Attention to Management of Medically Compromised Patients TMJ and Lymph Node Examination Normal Intra-oral Anatomy and Examination Variations in Intra-Oral Anatomy Identifying common Intra-oral diseases and Oral potentially Malignant Disorders Pharmacotherapeutics in Dental Practice Pulp and Periapical Diseases, Space infections - clinical signs/symptoms, diagnosis and treatment Common Investigations to be performed - chairside and laboratory including radiology Oral Radiology Various 2D radiographs Variations in IOPA radiographs Bitewing radiographs- when and why? Paralleling vs. Bisecting angle technique for IOPA radiographs Digital Radiography - RVG, PSP system OPG - How to read an OPG, common mistakes in diagnosis 3D Imaging Modalities - CT, CBCT, MRI, USG CBCT in Dental practice - What, When and How?

Medical Emergencies in Dental Practices & Basic Life Support (BLS)
Practical techniques and protocols for managing medical emergencies in the dental setting, including cardiac arrest, anaphylaxis, and more Interactive sessions, simulations, and case studies to reinforce your learning and develop critical life-saving skills

Dental Photography & Magnification

Dental Practice Management & Marketing
Dental Practice Management Essential factors for starting a dental clinic Providing a roadmap for aspiring practitioners Insights on clinical practices, location selection, and finance aspects Overview of marketing strategies, staff recruitment, and patient retention Dental Marketing Clinic Branding Clinic Marketing Clinical Documentation Importance of Documentation Tools to be used for Documentation How to Document Cases Clinical Research Design relevant Case Studies

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